Monday, June 07, 2010

Busy with four kids

I usually like to take the time to edit each photo before posting it.  I haven't been posting because I haven't had the time to do that.  I guess rather than not posting at all I should just post what I have.  Four kids is awesome, but it has been super busy.  Here is sweet Aspen with her big eyes.

Trey had his pinewood derby and earned his Wolf rank advancement.  He was very happy. 

We had our father-and-son's camp out.  This was my first time taking all three boys.  It was only about a half hour away from home too.

We had a mouse in our house.  We tried to get rid of it with out killing it, but in the end we had to use a trap.

We also had some birds build a nest in our flowers by the front door.  They laid some eggs, but sadly a cat killed the mom and ate all the eggs.  One of the many reasons why I hate cats!

We had at least three Easter Egg hunts this year with church, city and home events.

Other random pictures that captured what we have been up to...


Lettie B. said...

Despite your rat for cats, they could have caught that mouse for you! And I must say I am impressed that you actually got a picture of it. Those suckers as fast!
It was great seeing you guys and I wish it could happen more often!

Anonymous said...

Your easter bunny is the worst at hiding eggs. Lazy bunny!!!
