Thursday, November 01, 2007


Halloween has come and so have the annual sugar rushed, sleep deprived cries that accompany this wonderful holiday. In reality it was a lot of fun because the boys were so excited. Beckham couldn't believe that you could actually walk up to random houses and get free candy. Life is over-the-top amazing in the eyes of that 2 year old. For school Trevor had to dress up as a "community helper." He chose scientist then put his usual creative spin on it and went as a mad scientist. I don't know how mad scientists help the community, but stifling Trey's creativity is like trying to keep a big inflated beach ball under your feet in a always lose. I guess you can tell he didn't get his creativity from his father because that analogy was definitely sub-par....

On Halloween night Trey went as a Bionicle. Bex went as Spiderman in Trevor's old, torn, threadbare spidey suit. He said he wanted to be a pirate and has been pirate crazy the last couple of weeks. When we pulled out the old (should be in the trash, but Trey won't let us throw it away. Luckily all the tears are on the backside) Spiderman suit, Beckham suddenly changed his mind and was dead set on being spidey. No amount of discussion was going to change that kid's mind.

Marisa always does a great job of carving pumpkins. I gave up 1 or 2 years ago. How am I supposed to compete with these?

Bex liked being goalie, but didn't figure this out until the end of the season.
Caeden loves to run around and try to get on the field during his brother's soccer games.
Three crazy boys!

Trey all of the sudden started doing great his last three soccer games. Maybe it was initiated by the chocolate carrot we hung in front of him if he scored a goal, but something clicked and he started wanted to be aggressive on his own.


Bennett Family said...

okay that mad scientist costume is the cutest, funniest thing i have EVER SEEN! hillarious hair.

on a side note...carson, you technosaavy feller...i am loving my new canon rebel, but the pictures are so good they won't upload to blogger. how do i resize them? thx.

Lisa said...

I love seeing pictures of all three boys together. They are growing up so fast. Did Caeden get in on any Halloween fun?

Carson Calderwood said...

download the "image resizer" near the bottom right here

Carson Calderwood said...

Carson Calderwood said...

Caeden did, but his costume (orange shirt w/ ghost/bat) was very messy very quickly so we didn't post any of the pictures.

We didn't have our camera w/ us when he was dressed up as a bear for the ward party. Two strikes I guess.

Chrissy said...

Fun pictures! The boys are getting so big! Love the mad scientist!

Deon said...

Love the costumes and the pumpkins! You guys are great! Did you ever get an email invite to our blog for Brian's mission? If not, and/or if you care, email us and we will send you one.
BTW, come visit!