the following is a section from that story...
"At this particular village festival, Old Gao is the boss and he explains how he sees the differences between Miao and the dominant Han Chinese.
"Han Chinese don't sing mountain songs," he says. "They look at a partner's talents, their figure, their weight, their family property, etc. But we find a partner through singing. Even if someone is very ugly, the main thing is if they can sing, then they might be able to show love. People who are too good-looking just love themselves."
That struck me that they put more emphasis on one's effort they put into being a good mate than other things that we usually look at. As Marisa and I have learned in our almost 8 years of marriage, no matter how good of a match you are, you have to put a lot of effort into helping the other and not focusing on yourself.
Carson, did you forget Valentine's day? Are you now trying to compensate for that by pretending to be romantic? We all know that looks matter. Who cares if the girl can sing, how good looking is she?
The real story is that it struck me to think that in the next life looks probably will not matter at all...maybe there I will finally not be held down by the Man!
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