Friday, February 02, 2007

Trey's Art

For some reason I can't add pictures to the blog from home anymore. So, now that I am back at work here they are...

This is Trey's picture to Risa for Valentine's day:

Trey saw some commercial for a monster truck rally and he got very excited. He thought he would design some exhaust pipes and tires:

This is an alligator that Trey designed himself. He cut pieces of green construction paper up to make a scaly back:

This is Trey's prehistoric drawing. He has a volcano, some dinosaurs and his favorite, the pterodactyl:
My brother Cody is in dental school so Trey drew him a picture of a mouth with everything from sparkley teeth to a uvula:

This is an outer space picture:


Lisa said...

Wow! Trevor's understanding of dental histology is astounding! He is well on his way to becoming a second year dental student. I would let him assist me in clinic any day...."Trevor, more suction...Trevor, will you draw this patient a picture of a monster truck...." I can see it all now.

Carson Calderwood said...

He aspires to be like you, he never draws me any dental pictures :(

Anonymous said...

Those are some pretty impressive drawings. I especially like the last 2.