Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Pee can be exciting too!

After the cruise it has been hard to see things around the house as quite the same level of fun, excitement or general interest and therefore merit a blog post, but yesterday something exciting happened...Beckham has wanted to go potty like a big boy for a few weeks now. He just turned two a couple of months ago so we aren't getting our hopes up too high. When he asks to go on the potty we let him, but he usually just sits there, makes a "pssssss" noise a couple of times, gets a big grin on his face, jumps down and says something like, "I go peepee, I big boy" and claps or jumps. As you can imagine, after a few weeks of this we sigh and do it again to keep the positive attitude he has going.

Last night after making his pssssss noise he didn't get off. He was determined to make this more than just auditory. He kept waiting until he had something tangible, it started w/ a couple drops, then lots of excitement filled the small bathroom, Trevor came running to add his congratulations, Bex became more determined, kept trying, a few more drops, then BAM! Bex had his first real big boy, peeing on the potty experience. He was so proud and basked in all the praise that he was getting. We knew we had something to rival our vacation.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Hopefully someday Tucker will progress to that point. Recently he has begun to sit on the little potty that we got (it's for me, I like the little potties, I don't feel like I'll fall in). And now he even grabs a little bit of toilet paper and pretends to wipe his back side. Don't know where he got that from. It's pretty hilarious.

Jodee said...

Congrats Bex! I am coming to you guys when it's time for our Beckham to potty train, I have no idea what to do with a boy!

Selena said...

congrats...that is a blog worthy post! Here's to more episodes of pee in the potty! :)