Thursday, May 10, 2007

Reward is worth the sacrifice

Although to most of our friends, our situation is pretty normal. We got married in college, had our first child before graduate school, had another couple kids all before most people in the world even consider settling down to get married, let alone have any kids. We definitely didn't do it because we thought it would be the funnest way to spend our 20's. When people ask me why, its hard to explain it all in a minute or two. The best answer that I can quickly give is that there is a greater sacrifice, but the reward is worth it. On my drive home yesterday I heard a short 2 minute story about a father in grad school w/ his daughter. It explains perfectly in 2 minutes the how and why of families. Click here (or cut and past the link below) to go to the NPR page and listen.


Chrissy said...

Happy Anniversary! I think having kids young is the best idea! It's a sacrifice for our 20s, but just think about our 40s and 50s! Have a fun trip!!

Jodee said...

Thanks for sharing that Carson. It does help put it into perspective. I feel so lucky that as a parent, I am can have those moments each day. That the sacrifices we make, aren't really sacrifices, when you weigh the reward!