Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Why don't we just sloooowww down?

This blog is a mix between Calderwood family updates for friends/family and written rants when things get too frustrating and I have to vent somewhere (ie-Rod Stewart).

Today's rant is a dilemma that I go through more often that I would like...and that is frustration with how busy and encumbered I let my life get. With so many things vying for our time and so many of them seeming "important" we tend to overfill it and let the important things like spending quality time with the kids slip down the to-do list. Maybe it is my type-A personality and OCD that I developed in college and dental school trying to survive and compete.

Maybe this situation is like changing your oil in the car every 3000 miles. I just need to re-balance every couple of months and take away things that have built up. The following is a 2 minute story that explains this situation very well. I received it from my cousin a few years ago and think of it often...


Anonymous said...

great story.

Bob B said...

Carson, how did you read my mind. Sometimes I really do wish life could be simplier....